Prayer .  Movement.

We may be living in the days of the greatest prayer movement of history.  Are we watching or are we participating?  You may start by watching, but we hope you will participate as well.  

'The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.'

-Samuel Zwemer


Join our prayer email list today to stay spiritually connected and support two pivotal events. Pray with us for the upcoming Perspectives Course starting in January 2025, an opportunity to deepen your understanding of God's global purpose. Additionally, unite with fellow believers as we seek divine guidance and unity for the Sacramento County-wide Pastor's event, aiming to foster collaboration and strategy in fulfilling God's Glory and commission. Sign up now to be part of this powerful prayer movement and make a difference in our community!


We are Praying for the 2025 Perspectives Course being held at River City Christian Church in January.  The Course needs 45 New students to sign up for the viability of the sessions.  Please pray that through the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the pastoral staff, the course will have all the students necessary to continue.
We aim to pray over the next six months for members of local churches to volunteer to participate as the support staff for this epic experience.   Facilitator/MC, Administrative assistant, Instructor Care, Prayer Coordinator and a few other helpers are on our needs list.  We are also looking for prayers to be lifted up for churches around us, Sun River, Cordova Neighborhood, Destiny Sacramento, Arcade Church, Fair Oaks Press, and New Life Community Church.  To be honest this list can go on and we pray it will go on.


Event Purpose:

The event aims to bring together Pastors and Leadership teams for a time of fellowship, encouragement and learning opportunity. The focus will be on understanding how the church can remain steadfast and glorify God amidst worldly instability. The event will offer valuable insights, practical strategies, and mentoring opportunities for shepherds to strengthen their churches around the Great Commission.

- Main Speaker:
Jeff Lewis is currently the Mobilization & Discipleship Specialist for Sixteen:Fifteen and the founder/director of Thirteen~FiftyTwo. He was the assistant professor of Intercultural Studies for 18 years, the director of Mobilization for 4 years, at California Baptist University, and the co-founder and co-director of Passion Conference from 1996 to 2000. Jeff Lewis is also well-known as the author of God's Heart for the Nations, Christ Love Compels Me, and Calling: A Scriptural Journey.

- Topic:
"What Drives the Church to Press Forward: His Glory"

- Attendees:
Approximately 350 Pastors and Leadership teams.

Each email will have a list of churches and their respective leadership to be praying for.  There may not be very detailed instructions with each church or with each leader, so please seek the wisdom of the Lord and ask for the Holy Spirit to lean into the lives, ministries and hearts of these amazing shepherds who are obeying a arduous call to stand at the edge of a soaring fire with a water gun and fearlessly say "Not today, Not on my watch!".  These wonderful men and women need our support and our prayers.  We need their unity and their leadership.